365 Day Picture Challenge–Day 341-350

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30 Day Movie Challenge: Day #23

Day 23. Movie That Inspires You

OMG so many movies to choose from in this category! I find that most movies have some sort of inspiration to them so it really just depends on the mood you’re in.

  • Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993)–The sisters come back to Delores’s show to get her back as Sister Mary Clarence to teach music to a group of students in their parochial school which is doomed for closure. One of the girls, who is the most talented of the bunch, is forbidden to sing by her mother, although the choir has made it to the state championship. A group of stereotypical incompetent monks tries to stop them. Starring Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy, Maggie Smith and Lauryn Hill. It’s a great story that teaches kids to follow their dreams and that it only takes one person to inspire many. I absolutely love this movie!! Especially all the songs. They have wonderful voices!

  • Mulan (1998)–To save her father from death in the army, a Chinese maiden secretly goes in his place and becomes one of China’s greatest heroes in the process. Starring the voice of Eddie Murphy as Mushu. Way to go Disney for bringing in the girl power. Mulan finally breaks the barrier for princesses. She doesn’t need a prince in shinning armor to come save her. She’s gonna be doing all the saving herself. LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS.

  • Pay It Forward (2000)–A young boy attempts to make the world a better place after his teacher gives him that chance. Starring Kevin Spacey, Haley Joel Osment and Helen Hunt. I have a love/hate relationship with this movie. It’s just too damn sad. But the idea that if you reach out to three people and that chain continues, is an inspiring one. The world really can be a better place.

  • Remember the Titans (2000)–The true story of a newly appointed African-American coach and his high school team on their first season as a racially integrated unit. Starring Denzel Washington, Will Patton, Wood Harris and Ryan Hurst. It’s a great story about young people putting aside their differences and realizing their similarities. It’s moving to know that things like this really did happen and that people do truly stand up for what they believe in.

  • Soul Surfer (2011)–A teenage surfer girl summons the courage to go back into the ocean after losing an arm in a shark attack. Starring AnnaSophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, Lorraine Nicholson, Kevin Sorbo and Carrie Underwood. The real story of Bethany Hamilton is a truly moving one that plays out so well in this movie. I figure if a girl who lost her arm is able to do so much and help so many people, I could do great things too.

What movie inspires you??

Once Upon a Time is Back!!

Now that I have had time to settle down and enjoy the episode for the umpteenth time without fangirling out or keyboard smashing, I can finally share my thoughts on the return of my favorite show Once Upon a Time.

The season opens on an unknown guy that lives in New York City. It almost seems like another show entirely until a pigeon drops off a postcard to our mystery man with the word “broken” written on one side and a picture of Storybrooke on the other. Although we aren’t really given any clues as to who this mystery man is, my theory is that this is Baelfire–Rumple’s son.

Back in Storybrooke, the story picks up right where season one ended–the curse is broken and magic (in the form of purple fog) has come to Storybrooke, Maine. Now that the characters are aware of their true identities, they begin to reunite with their long lost friends–there is quite a touching reunion between besties Snow & Red and Snow & the 7 Dwarfs. However, the only thing on Snow’s mind is finding her daughter. In one of the most anticipated reunions ever, so much is said between these two characters without them having to actually say anything. Snow looks at her daughter with so much love, yet so much pain–she’s missed everything and she knows she will never be able to get that time back. And then we see Emma–this strong, independent woman turn into a lost little girl that has been searching for her parents…and for love her entire life. The Charmings share a tender hug until Henry lightens the mood by calling David, “Grandpa.” (I’m just going to point out that trying to figure out what to call the characters now is confusing since they are all calling one another by both their names.)

Now that they’ve had their little family heart-to-heart, the dwarfs start to pose questions that the views are asking: Why are they still in Storybrooke? What was that smoke? Who did this? Emma main mission is to find and talk to Mr. Gold in search of answers but Snow is desperate to reconnect with her daughter. What I love about the dynamic between these two is that they already have this bond that is so trusting and loving–Emma finds herself not wanting to push them away even though it is her initial reaction.

The rest of the town is intent on killing Regina but Henry pleads for help because she is still his mom. I thought this was a great addition because Regina did raise Henry and they’ve never really shown Henry feel this way towards her. He’s just always thought she was bad but I do believe that he was the one thing that Regina really loved. Of course Snow, Charming and Emma would rise above and do the right thing. This was just a nice way to do it.

In Fairytale Land, we are introduced to a few new characters–Prince Philip, Aurora and a masked warrior (we aren’t supposed to know yet that this is actually Mulan but being the huge fan that I am, I knew that these three were coming this season and filmed their scenes together). Prince Philip finds Aurora and awakens her from her cursed sleep with true love’s kiss. The masked warrior is faced with a wraith (which in all honesty is pretty much the same thing as a dementor from Harry Potter…even Ginnifer Goodwin says she calls it that). Philip fights it off and picks up its medallion. A medallion that for some evil reason, Mr. Gold has in his possession in Storybrooke.

Dr. Whale (WHO IS HE?!?) along with the rest of town want to get rid of Regina (especially since finding out she is powerless). Just in time, the Charmings step in to save Regina. They throw her in jail for everyone’s safety. When asked about the curse and why they weren’t brought back to Fairytale Land, Regina tells them that there is nothing to go back to and that the land is gone. Mr. Gold shows up to confront her about how she locked up Belle for the past 28 years and that he was going to do to her what she did to Belle–a fate much worse than death. He uses the medallion from the wraith to brand the symbol into her hand. This medallion is the link back to the Fairytale Land story. We not only learn that the wraith is a soul sucker but that Philip has been branded by the medallion.

Again the story circles back to the Charmings–Snow still wanting to connect with Emma. David even says “Don’t push it Snow” and she immediately bombards Emma with wanting to talk. This is where the whole family reunion becomes quite awkward–I mean we are dealing with parents who are the same age, maybe even younger, than their adult daughter. Before all this, Emma and Mary Margaret were friends–they confided in each other as friends. Like when Mary Margaret had the one night stand with Whale. Of course Charming wasn’t happy to hear this but to that Snow says, “We were cursed!” Am I the only one that thinks this is the new “We were on a break!”? Anyway Emma confronts them about sending her away–she understands that they did this for everyone because they are great leaders but it still left her alone. Emma thinks that even if she had stayed and was cursed with the rest of them, they would’ve at least been together. Seeing Emma so open and honest with them about is a giant step for her but it doesn’t last long.

The wraith tries to steal Regina’s soul but the Charmings stop it with fire…at least for now. They learn that they can’t kill it so they come up with a plan to use Jefferson’s hat to send it to Fairytale Land or what Regina thinks is oblivion. The battle against the wraith cuts between Fairytale Land (Philip) and Storybrooke (Regina). It finally claim’s Philip. Regina keeps trying to work her magic for the hat to work but it’s only when Emma touches her arm that it finally works. They send the wraith to Fairytale Land but it grabs ahold of Emma and takes her with it. Not wanting to lose her daughter again, Snow jumps in after her but the portal closes before David can follow them. Regina (who somehow has her magic back) threatens to kill David but Henry arrives just in time. He sees Regina for who she really is–the Evil Queen. Henry leaves with David who promises that he “will always find them.”

Now that the wraith has done it’s job and killed Philip, Mulan explains to Aurora everything that has happened…with the curse. Fairytale Land is not flashback anymore–it is in real time. I did not see this coming at all! Mulan finds Snow and Emma unconscious under some rubble. Mulan blames them for Philip’s death and bringing the wraith to them. Who knows how much it will take Snow to convince them of where they are from and who they really are. The previews look like Snow and Emma become some sort of prisoners. The previews also show the addition of another character: Captain Hook and I have to say that I am super excited about what is going to come of this new season!!